Academics Overview
Curriculum Assessment and Testing GKIDS Kindergarten students in Georgia schools are assessed throughout the school year on the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS). GKIDS is a performance based assessment that will document your child’s progress on the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) throughout his or her kindergarten year. Georgia Milestones Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the The Georgia Alternative Assessment (GAA) The GAA is a portfolio of student work that enables the demonstration of achievement and progress relative to selected skills that are aligned to the Georgia curriculum. The portfolio is used to capture student learning and achievement/progress in four content areas: English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. This assessment program promotes a vision of enhancing capacities and integrated life opportunities for students who experience significant cognitive disabilities. ACCESS Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs) is administered, annually, to all English learners in Georgia. ACCESS for ELLs is a standards-based, criterion referenced English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners’ social and academic proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English as well as the language associated with language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies within the school context across the four language domains. ACCESS for ELLs meets the federal requirements that mandates require states to evaluate EL students in grades K through 12 on their progress in learning to speak English. ACCESS for ELLs is used to determine the English language proficiency levels and progress of ELs in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
ACCESS para ELL se utiliza para determinar los niveles de dominio del idioma inglés y el progreso de los estudiantes EL en los dominios de hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir .
Exceptional Students
The Talented and Gifted (TAG) program in the Fulton County School System strives to provide enriching learning experiences for the intellectually advanced and exceptionally creative student. Gifted services are available in all Fulton County schools for students in kindergarten through grade 12. The Fulton County gifted program is a response to the need to address the unique learning characteristics, interests, personal needs, and capabilities of gifted children. The program emphasizes the gifted students' need for interaction with intellectual peers. Through differentiated instructional experiences, gifted students will develop advanced research methods and independent study skills, creative thinking and creative problem-solving skills, higher order and critical thinking skills, and advanced communication skills. Additional TAG Links: Early Intervention Program (EIP) Student Support Team (SST) and Response to Intervention(RtI) The Student Support Team (SST) is a problem-solving process in every Georgia school. Its purpose is to find ways around roadblocks to success for any student referred to it. SST uses Response to Intervention to monitor the effectivenes of strategies and student progress. Response to Instruction and Intervention, in Georgia, is a four-tiered instructional process, or framework, which guides teachers in matching instruction and intervention to each student's learning needs. This may include intervention for skill weaknesses, or strength-based instruction through enrichment and acceleration.
When a student is experiencing significant difficulties with academic assignments or adjustment to the school environment, the school’s Student Support Team(SST) is consulted. This team, which is comprised of Asa G. Hilliard teachers, counselors, and administrators, consults with the student’s classroom teacher to examine the child’s progress, attempt to identify causes for his/her difficulties, and brainstorm intervention strategies to help the student. Parents who feel that their child would benefit from the services of the SST should contact the child’s teacher or Mr. Jones, school counselor/SST Coordinator.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 has been strongly emphasized by the federal government as applicable to the schools' handling of certain student difficulties. SST documentation can meet most Section 504 requirements.